AI Policy | Broward Palm Beach New Times | The Leading Independent News Source in Broward-Palm Beach, Florida

AI Policy

How Voice Media Group newsrooms may use artificial intelligence in our journalism

Although artificial intelligence has the potential to improve newsgathering, it also has the potential to harm journalists’ credibility and our relationship with our audience. As a company, Voice Media Group is approaching AI by embracing its use in ways that make sense for us through testing, human verification, and ongoing adaptation.

Our newsrooms will test and utilize approved AI tools to assist for uses such as copyediting, transcribing, translation, research, story ideation, SEO, and when we ask AI questions and employ those responses within a story. Our journalists will not use artificial intelligence to write stories or generate artwork.

As we proceed, the following four core values will guide our work.

  • Transparency: We will be transparent about usage. When we publish any content that uses artificial intelligence in one of previously mentioned approved ways, we will tell our audience through disclosures as editors feel they are needed. This may be a short tagline in a story, a caption or credit, or, for something more substantial, an editor’s note. When appropriate, we will include the prompts that are fed into the model to generate the material.
  • Accuracy and human verification: All information generated by artificial intelligence will have human verification.
  • Audience service: Our work in artificial intelligence will be guided by what will be useful to our readers.
  • Exploration: With the three previous principles as our foundation, Voice Media Group journalists will embrace exploration and experimentation.

The responsible usage of artificial intelligence is essential for maintaining trust, integrity, and sustainability in Voice Media Group’s operations. For questions or feedback about Voice Media Group’s artificial intelligence policy, please email Editorial Director Chelsey Dequaine-Jerabek at